Decorative cloth face coverings or face masks

San Diego county will be mandating everyone to wear a face covering of some sort while going out , whenever you will be within 6 feet from someone outside from your household . This new directive will start on May 1st , and it might very well soon be the same in other counties and states . It is already mandatory for all business employees working with the public , like grocery stores clerks , gas station attendants , etc. , but it will now require everyone else to do the same in the hope it will help slow down the spread of the virus . They are plenty of videos of how to make your own face masks with whatever you have at home . Some require sewing , other don't . I've tried the one with the bandana and hair ties , but it doesn't fit snugly (there is a small gap on each side ). I also tried simply tying a scarf , but my straight hair is slippery , and the scarf end up sliding off very quickly , which once again defeat the purpose . If you're having the same problem , ...