Feminist Gifts Ideas

Celebrating and Honoring Women Around The World : March was Women History Month . But it is not the only time we should honor and celebrate women in our community . It is time to recognize women for all the jobs they do all year long . It is time for equal pay and stopping stereotype . Here you will find products you'll need if you would like to organize a empowering women's event or simply items you can buy for yourself to display your feminist side :) This is just to show what we have available . If you are looking to buy anything , you will be redirected to one of our online stores . Let's start with some furniture and other home decor such as pillows and tapestry that can be found in our Society6 shop . And some more merchandise from the same store , including coasters , pouches , bags and t-shirts : If you are not a fan of black background , we also have some merchandise in our Redbubble that has a coral background instead of black . And ...