It's all about the APPLES

September is apple picking season , or at least it is in San Diego county . It is one of the favorite fall activities in the area . Julian , a charming little mountain town has a few orchard farms where they allow you to go pick your own fruits . But one should not wait too long , because apple picking season can be very short depending on their crop . Anyway , I love to go there with my family . I cherish any time I have with them and enjoy the time spend away from my computer , and cell phone ! It is a really nice way to celebrate the beginning of the fall season . And of course they bake delicious apple pies ! If you visit Julian , you can NOT leave without trying one of their famous apple pies ! They're the best I've ever eaten . Needless to say that nature is very inspiring ...and I got inspired for a couple of new apple designs . I have finished the first one , a red apple pattern , and will share it today , as I'm still working on the second one . You can find...